2024 City of Port Moody Schedule for Monday Nov 11th
Service & Parade Schedule
- Interdenominational faith service: 10:00 am Legion 119
- Parade March: 10:35 am (Parade route – Kyle St, St Johns St, Grant St, Clarke St)
- Ceremony/Service: following the parade, in front of the Legion on Clarke St (Wreath laying – Cenotaph on Spring St)
- Legion 119 is open to the general public, members and families (you do not have to be a member to attend)
- Join us for a day of Remembrance, food, drinks & entertainment after the service and parade.
This year the Remembrance Day Parade route will muster along Clarke and Kyle Streets, adjacent to the Port Moody Legion at 2529 Clarke St. The parade will start south on Kyle St to St Johns St, east on St Johns St to Grant St, north on Grant St to Clarke St, then west on Clarke St, stopping in front of the Legion.
St. Johns St. will only be closed during the parade procession, then will be reopened immediately afterwards.
Legion #119 Schedule
12:00pm – Doors open to the General Public – all welcome
Live entertainment – Bar – Food
2pm – Scottish Dancers
3pm – Irish Dancers
5pm – Can Can Girls
Live Music after the dancers from the band “Singles”

Poppy & Remembrance Day November 11th
Armistice Day or “Remembrance Day” as it has come to be known, originated following the end of the First World War. The Armistice agreement was signed between Germany and the Allied Forces in Paris on Monday, 11 November 1918 at 0500 hours. The ceasefire went into effect at 1100 hours the same morning. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The first Armistice Day was observed in 1919. On November 6th, in the House of Commons, the then acting Prime Minister of Canada, Sir George Foster read a message from King George V.
The Poppy fund
The Poppy Campaign is very much a local initiative, conducted by Legion Branches in cities, towns and communities across the country. Donations collected during the Poppy Campaign are held in Trust at the branch level to directly support Veterans and their families within their community and to help ensure Canadians ‘never forget’. The Poppy fund helps members of our local community every year & Legion #119 is committed to bringing these funds to use for worthy eligible causes.